a big move for PLUME

I have some exciting news to share with all of you! I am thrilled to announce that PLUME is relocating to the charming and welcoming city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  Washington D.C. has been a wonderful “home” for the last 18 years, but I am over the moon to return to a place that holds a special place in my heart. 

The late (and fabulous) Julia Reed wrote: “To me, home is where you find the touchstones of your life…” which is an apt way to describe why this move feels like a homecoming of sorts. As a college student at Wake Forest, Winston was where I first spread my wings, gained knowledge of life, love, and loss, and formed lasting friendships. While I will certainly not be reliving my college days or revisiting all of the physical touchstones (even though I was pleased to see them all still thriving - even if I didn’t recognize them in the daylight!), I am eager to reconnect with this artistic, entrepreneurial, and welcoming community.

My genuine excitement doesn’t mean that this move isn’t bittersweet. I moved to DC the day after I graduated from college, and the city’s energy, beauty, and history have been the backdrop to all the ups and downs and touchstones of my 20s and 30s, including, of course, the birth of PLUME Photography!  I will forever be grateful for the wonderful people I met and the incredible experiences we shared living in our nation’s capital.  But, in the last few years, I have found myself craving a gentler pace of life.  Relocating to Winston allows me to focus on things that matter most to me right now: quality time, personal passions, and a simpler way of living.  As I explore this next chapter of PLUME, I anticipate a healthier work-life balance, fostering more creativity and productivity in my personal and professional endeavors.  

To my wonderful clients, I will never be able to fully express my gratitude for your support over the last ten years. I have loved being a small part of your story, and I hope to return several times a year to continue to capture your growing families (if there is interest). Be sure to sign up for my newsletter for the travel dates and availability! And if you are ever in the Winston-Salem area, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

While I don’t know what form it will take just yet, I’m sure I will wind up documenting and sharing more of this next chapter because it will come as no surprise to most of you that I have more than a few house-related projects in my future. Stay tuned…!

In wrapping up, I wanted to share that change, while sometimes daunting, can also be wonderfully freeing.  I experienced this firsthand a decade ago when I walked away from a thriving career that no longer felt like the right fit to explore something new. And now, I’m feeling it all over again as I embark on this new chapter - if you feel like you are on the precipice of a BIG change or move and want someone to talk to (or hype you up to do it!), I’m always here!





In the Studio: The Matriarch Session